Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Music Was Symbol Of Romanticism

Music was the sound that was accepted by the individual and differed was based on the history, the location, the culture and appetite someone. The true definition about music also various things:

The sound that it was considered was good by his listeners of All sounds that were produced deliberately by someone or the collection and were presented as music of Several people considered music was not completely concrete.

Music according to Aristoteles had the capacity to reconcile the dejected heart, have creative therapy and cultivate the spirit of patriotism. I read from (id.wikipedia.org)
But According to me music could generate the memory someone about something lama. when a music or the song were turned, we will be reminded time when we often listen to, although susceptible the time was very long but our memory would not hilang.musik this in turned in time. Music was the symbol of romanticism. By Music, We can Get a Love.

Like was said by kahlil gibran in his book that was entitled "thirst Music" for the "spirit". Like this:
The tone wave of the tone of music was senandung soft that often was present at the valley of the imagination valley. If the tone of the tone in sing out in the sadness melody, then he produced the memory set when dejected and hopeless. But if in sing out when the heart was happy, then music produced the memory set when peace and happy.

The First album of OASIS is the most Great along time on the World

I read on (music.detikhot.com) abaut oasis band. I regarded that OASIS Band had the record of the most popular album for along time

The first album the oasis was entitled 'Definitely Maybe' quite appropriate was acknowledged as the Terhebat Sepanjang Masa Album. I had read the measure of opinion that was made the site of music NME.com and the manufacturer of the book of British Hit Singles and Albums, the album overcame Sgt.. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the album from one of the bands pop England that most melege you, The Beatles.

The Beatles only occupied the second place. 'Definitely Maybe' contained hits that occupied the peak of ladders of the song, like 'Live Foreve'r and' Supersonic. Usually this kind measure of opinion is filled by titles of the album that just was bought by the voters, because of titles so that still was fresh in their memory.
However, the measure of opinion this time shown that albums that seriously great always lasted long. 'Definitely Maybe', that swallowed the production cost only 158.000 US dollar, was released on August 30 1994 and for the first time gained the highest position in the ladder of the English album a week later. The sales figure is, seven million copy all over the world. However the album terbaru him, 'Dig Out Your Soul' must be then pointed out the thumb. Although continue to 'Definitely Maybe' so that was greatest.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

musik adalah nutrisi untuk jiwa dan pikiran

Tubuh kita sangat membutuhkan suplai nutrisi yang berasal dari makanan dan minuman, makanan dan minuman tersebut adalah sebagai zat pengganti ketika kita telah lelah beraktifitas. Tidaklah demikian halnya yang terjadi pada jiwa dan pikiran kita? Setelah kita secara terus menerus menggunakan jiwa dan pikiran kita, pastilah jiwa dan pikiran kita terasa lelah. Jiwa dan pikiran kita juga membutuhkan sebuah nutrisi pengganti, taukah kamu musik adalah salah satu nutrisi bagi jiwa dan pikiran. Berdasarkan penelitian dari para ahli mengenai musik telah mngungkapkan beberapa rahasia mengenai musik diantaranya adalah:

Effect Mozzart : Yaitu salah satu istilah untuk efek yang bisa dihasilkan sebuah musik yang dapat meningkatkan intelegensia seseorang. Sudah terbukti bahwa bila seorang anak sudah sedini mungkin diperkenalkan dengan musik, maka tingkat intelegensianya pun rata-rata akan lebih tinggi dibanding dengan anak yang dibesarkan tanpa diperkenalkan pada musik. Dengan cara tertentu otakpun akan di-stimulasi untuk “belajar” segala sesuatu lewat nada-nada musik. Oh iyah, musik-musik yang ber-iramakan klasik juga bagus sekali manfaatnya buat ibu hamil dan si bayi, yaitu bisa mencerdaskan bayi dan juga bisa memberi ketenangan yang tentram buat ibu yang mengandung.

Kadang saat pikiran lagi bosan dan buntu tidak tau apa yang harus dilakukan, dengan mendengarkan musik walaupun sejenak segala pikiran kitapun bisa kembali fresh/segar. Hasilnya, kita bersemangat kembali mengerjakan sesuatu yang tertunda. Kesimpulanya adalah musik bisa menyejukan pikiran kita yang lagi ruwet. Untuk lebik baiknya pilihlah jenis musik yang mengandung keindahan dan berteknik tinggi, jangan hanya suka mendengarkan musik yang sedang hits saja karena hampir tiap hari bahkan tiap jam diputrepteounar di TV dan di Radio. Coba kita mendengarkan musik dengan aliran jazz dan klasik.

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

buta musik

Saya sangat suka musik,