Music was the sound that was accepted by the individual and differed was based on the history, the location, the culture and appetite someone. The true definition about music also various things:
The sound that it was considered was good by his listeners of All sounds that were produced deliberately by someone or the collection and were presented as music of Several people considered music was not completely concrete.
Music according to Aristoteles had the capacity to reconcile the dejected heart, have creative therapy and cultivate the spirit of patriotism. I read from (
But According to me music could generate the memory someone about something lama. when a music or the song were turned, we will be reminded time when we often listen to, although susceptible the time was very long but our memory would not hilang.musik this in turned in time. Music was the symbol of romanticism. By Music, We can Get a Love.
Like was said by kahlil gibran in his book that was entitled "thirst Music" for the "spirit". Like this:
The tone wave of the tone of music was senandung soft that often was present at the valley of the imagination valley. If the tone of the tone in sing out in the sadness melody, then he produced the memory set when dejected and hopeless. But if in sing out when the heart was happy, then music produced the memory set when peace and happy.